Stop The Bleed Translated for israel-gaza conflict

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The Stop the Bleed Coalition is a community of individuals and organizations passionate about the STOP THE BLEED® campaign. STOP THE BLEED® is a grassroots national awareness campaign that encourages bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. Since its genesis, the coalition has committed to aiding individuals in conflict zones by providing access to educational materials. Amid the Israel-Gaza conflict and the growing level of regional humanitarian crises, the Coalition announced the release of the Essentials of STOP THE BLEED® in Hebrew and Arabic in early November 2023. This ongoing effort to expand the course translation was made possible through funding from the Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and in collaboration with the National Center to expand access to this critical training, and save lives that would otherwise be lost due to life-threatening bleeding. To access the Arabic or Hebrew versions of the course, visit

To learn more or get involved in the STOP THE BLEED® campaign, visit